Humor, Part 2
We continue our conversation on humor with MJ and shift our focus to humor in the workplace and how it can be used as a professional and collegial way to connect with others and "level the playing field". Click Here
Humor is a very serious and important essential to meet this moment and should be treated with respect and gravity. Just kidding! However, humor can be such a useful, and fun, tool when used to connect to your world, build
MTM Episode 4: Flexibility
It's the 21st century. A global economy, constant advances in science and technology, the information age, climate change, a pandemic, and a myriad of other forces are inciting change at a dizzying pace. On a daily basis, the world offers
Meeting This Moment | Episode 1
What are the essential practices to meet this moment? Kelly will dive deeply into these topics with special guests to answer that question: -curiosity -creativity -grace -empathy -flexibility -humor -humility -love
Here’s to New Beginnings!
Marking the beginning of my new passion project and Engage Educational Solutions, LLC On March 13, 2020, I awoke to what was supposed to be the "finish line" of a months-long admission cycle marathon as the Director of Admission at a